General Submission Guidelines:
shuString Magazine is a bimonthly publication that is driven to showcase an array of editorial fashion, music, beauty, art and news through the lens of pop culture. As our company has been featured on popular broadcasting stations such as OWN Network, and America’s No.1 destination for pop culture, E! Network, we openly grant you the opportunity to, not only receive public exposure, but to contribute your work and have it published in a high end, well respected independent publication. shuString Magazine is well respected by the major Model Agencies, PR companies and agents in Los Angeles, CA, New York City and around the world. Being published in shuString Magazine gives you leverage, credibility and momentum in marketing your work in the United States and major fashion countries and cities around the world.
Editorial Photo Submission Overview:
When submitting please follow the guidelines outlined on this page. Upon reviewing submissions, shuString Magazine reserves the right to Accept or Deny any submission we receive. Submissions are reviewed based on its content, quality, newsworthiness, the availability of space in the issue it is being submitted to be published, and the platform in which the submission is expected to appear (digital or print).
SHUSTRING MAGAZINE DOES NOT PROVIDE FREE PRINT COPIES OF THE PUBLICATION. Currently, the publication is printed and distributed exclusively through Magcloud, in which the company prints-by-purchase (see magcloud.com for full distribution details). We also do NOT pay for submissions. All photo shoot expenses for a submission to the magazine is covered by the team conducting the project. We are looking for only UNPUBLISHED and NEW editorials for the calendar year. If your photographs are published in shuString Magazine, they must be NEW material rightfully representing the lens of pop culture’s motto of being innovative, and fresh to the market. Once your submissions are accepted they must not be posted online or on any social media until the magazine is released. After submissions are made, we decide on placement.
Submission Email: submit@shustringmagazine.com
Editorial Photo Submission Guidelines:
We accept Fashion, Beauty & Avant Garde submissions.
All submissions should be between 6-8 images. All images are not guaranteed for publication. Once your submission is accepted for print publication the file sizes required are: 8.5X11 for Portraits at 300dpi. For website submissions, landscape format is preferred, however, portrait submissions are welcome (a representative will notify you for any specifications).
When submitting for consideration, always submit your images in low-resolution as attachments, include the photographers name and a title for the story. Please do not submit high resolution attachments, or zipped files for review. If you are submitting the editorial and are not the photographer, please confirm and present to us permission/release form from the photographer that owns the copyright to the images.
For fashion submissions, wardrobe credits are required. For Beauty submissions, makeup credits are required.
Team credits are essential for all submissions. If we have accepted your submissions and you provide the (high-end) low- resolution images without team credits, your submission will not be published. We will not be held accountable for any missing or misspelled credit. Be sure to send credits as editable pdf files or Word Files.
Once an image is accepted to be published, it grants us the permission to use your work in any of our publications, websites, videos, marketing pieces, advertisements, and any other mediums or formats used in the creation, dissemination, and monetization of shuString Magazine.
Mechanical Specs:
Please do not stretch or warp your photos to fit the screen. Please crop only. If you prefer, we can crop them for you.
Double page spread dimensions are: [Height] 11 inches x WIDTH; 17 inches @ 300dpi.
Single page dimensions are: [Height] 11 inches x WIDTH; 8.5 inches @300 dpi. Color mode is RGB.
If you are submitting editorials with titles and credits added, please include titles and credits on a separate layer so that we can make edits if necessary (e.g., layered TIFF or PSD).
Contributing Writers & Bloggers Submission Overview:
shuString Magazine not only produces high-end imagery for audiences to see, but we rely heavily on our content and writers. We are always looking for guest writers and bloggers who would love to contribute to the magazine and website. If you are interested in writing a piece or blogging for us, please send an email to MCarson@shustringmagazine.com with the headline “Writer Submission” or “Blogger Submission”, and include writing samples and links to your work, blog or porfolio. We cover a wide range of topics that are popular in culture today. Place your submission and tell us why you’d make a great contributor to our website.
Contributing Writers & Bloggers Submission Guidelines:
Guidelines for website submissions are for your review. For all content to be eligible, writers and bloggers must meet the following standards:
Provide fully edited content utilizing Associated Press style writing.
Provide high-quality, low-resolution photos for story.
All photos must be properly accredited, all sources properly cited, and quotes within story must be properly attributed.
All photos must not contain nudity, or have a sexual suggestive nature (unless implied nude is specifically approved by editing/content managing staff).
All written content must not contain vulgar language from the author or blogger.
All content must serve the purpose of shuString Magazine as a publication.
Rejection Reasons
There is little or no space left for the issue submitted for (in reference to print submissions)
Work was submitted after the deadline.
The quality of the images are not to our standard.
The submission doesn’t fit the theme for the issue.
The submission does not meet the guidelines provided.
Although your rejection could be due to any of the above stated reasons, we will not have time to state which reason(s) applied to the submission. Please note that all submissions will NOT be replied to. You will receive an acceptance email once your submission has been accepted. If you do not receive a reply within 7-10 days of your submission, then it wasn’t accepted; you do not need to send multiple emails to receive a reply.
All submissions must be sent before the stated deadline of an issue (print).
If a submission is being accepted and the final pieces aren’t sent before the deadline, that submission will not be published in the issue for which it was accepted.
The deadline for each issue is the 20th of the [odd] month (e.g: Submissions for January’s Issue are due by December 20th). If, for any reason, the deadline is changed, it will be posted on our Facebook page and website.
Once an issue is being released it is available for purchase via Magcloud (see our Magazine section)
Not all information and updates can be sent to everyone that is or has been associated with shuString Magazine. To get all updates and information please like our Facebook page.