Actress Zoe Renee Discusses The Quad and Shining a Light On Stories That Matter Down to earth and Atlanta native Zoe Renee is making her debut and in 2017, joined the cast of BET’s hit series The Quad . Even though it’s her first television series, the star has shown that her creative and artistic family background is something she completely lives up to the name of.
“You know, The Quad is my first TV show ever,” Zoe tells shuString, “So I really did no
t know what to expect going into it. I was eager and ready to learn and to experience and to set the tone to what I have been dreaming about for so long.” Zoe portrays Noni Williams who is apart of the university’s band and is an ambitious college student, and says it’s more than easy to relate to her character. “Noni and I are similar in that we’re both entering a new stage in our lives! She’s new to college, I’m new to a TV show. She’s very hungry and trying to be at the top and same for me.
I’m really trying to be as great as I possibly can. Noni is different however because she’s willing to do whatever and willing to step on whoever while I’m a little bit more of a ‘work it out’ person.” The determined and enthusiastic actress went straight from high sch
ool and into her career, but elaborated on her college plans with us. “I haven’t gone to college but I’m really excited to get started! I booked The Quad on my gap year so I’ve kind of just been heavy into that, but I’m hoping that I get some time hopefully during the Summer to take some classes and learn some more!” She aspires to juggle both acting and her college courses, but knows that the situation will be tough, especially with her career beginning to take off, but finds her education important and knows that both will get done. We asked Zoe who would she pick if she could switch places with anyone in the show, and she replied either Ebonie Weaver or Dr. Eva Fletcher. “Ebonie Weaver is a wholesome girl and everyone loves her. She’s a great friend, she’s funny, she’s real, and overall that good best friend. And Dr. Fletcher, anytime a woman is played on TV that is strong and independent, but also human, I think that it’s a beautiful thing. And I hope that one day I’ll be able to play someone like that.”
Everyone knows her father, Speech from the hip hop group Arrested Development, but her idea of her own artistic path in life always swayed. But nothing came as natural as acting did to her. Zoe describes acting as her “own lane” and something that she feels separates her from her dad but contributes to the creative gene in her household. She enjoys relaxing and reading when she does get the chance to go home and describes herself as a “homebody” that still enjoys going out with her friends from time to time.
Zoe’s upcoming roles include summer film Jinn that follows the trials of religion and a mother daughter relationship. At the end of her career, Zoe hopes that she has told stories that matter and stories that weren’t told enough, as well as stories that “shine a light on the girls that don’t have a light shone on them.” You can follow Zoe on her way to the top by connecting with her on both Instagram and Twitter @thezoerenee.
Written by Amya Mitchell